Akylas and Priscilla: Family and Mission

Saint Aquila came from the Black Sea region (Prax.18,2) and his wife was named Priscilla. They lived in the first half of the 1st century AD. Following the decree of the emperor Claudius (49 AD) to expel all Jews from Rome, they left Italy and headed for Corinth as refugees. There they were first met by the apostle to the Gentiles, Paul, “and for the sake of the same he abode with them and worked with them; for they were tentmakers in the art” (Prax. 18 3). Their common profession was the first link between the holy couple and the apostle. So much did his preaching of Jesus Christ touch their souls that they were indoctrinated, baptized, and decided to follow Paul on his tours to spread the Gospel. They became his valuable partners and companions in Ephesus, where they even indoctrinated the fiery Apollos more accurately in the way of God (Prax 18:26). In 68 A.D. – under the Emperor Nero – they moved back to Rome and continued to teach the Word of God there. In the book “The Apostles’ Testament” (4th century) we read that Aquila was ordained by the apostle Paul as bishop in the parishes of Asia Minor. Consequently, the couple returned home again. It is most likely that they stayed until the end of their lives in Ephesus ministering. We derive information about their death from a relevant memorial read at the service of the Orthodox service of their feast:

“What is this woman, when I see Dog’s face, I will not man up to the man’s face?” (Seeing his wife martyred by beheading, Aquila says: Can I not look like a man, and likewise to my wife be manly and willing to be beheaded for faith in Christ?)

Thus, with their martyrdom, they were placed in the body of the saints of the Church.


Family and Mission

A divine call, a heavenly exhortation for all of us – and especially for the heads of families – is the exquisite apology of Saints Aquila and Priscilla.

“Those who have loved Christ and enlightened their minds…”

Love for Christ is a necessary condition for following the principles of the Gospel, identifying one’s life with it and touching holiness. It is that which enlightens and purifies the mind of the faithful from all impurity, it is the foundation stone of family life in Christ.

“…in the faith and in chastity…”

Two other characteristics of the family life of the saints were common faith and modest marriage. These are interrelated elements, since the common faith, the same spirit, the same purpose – the application and spreading of the Gospel – and the same goal – Paradise – cannot be incompatible with a chaste marriage, free from any fornication, perversion or sin of nature.

“…Aquila and Priscilla were the heads of the church in the house…”

Aquila and Priscilla created a church in their home, where the brothers in Christ took communion and communicated, studied the sacred texts or listened to the divine word from the apostle Paul. Furthermore, they offered whatever material resources they could into the apostle’s hands for the work of God. This movement ought to set an example for us, modern family men and women, who, having been overwhelmed by the “needs” of our over-consuming and self-centered society, run and strive to acquire myriad goods without regard for the material needs of the mission.


“….and Paul the light-bearer’s companions and protectors”

The holy couple was consumed in the work of the Church and identified with the beliefs, ideals and aspirations of the Apostle Paul. They collaborated with him and pulled him out of the impasse that various obstacles at times created in his path, sometimes even at the risk of their lives. And today, however, there is no shortage of people who struggle in the front line of missionary ministry, embracing Paul’s ideals in their being. It is therefore necessary for us, for our part – following the shining example of Aquila and Priscilla – to contribute with all our strength to their needs, to make our families partners and protectors of the young Pauls of our time.

“We shall honor and imitate them”

They deserve to be honoured. They deserve to be missionary role models. It is worth striving in a spirit of sacrifice to create families that have Christ as their foundation and offer everything for Him…
