Come and see: the Apostle Philip
According to the synaxarist of Saint Nicodemus, Saint Philip came from Bethesda of Galilee. He was wise and had a deep love for the Law and the Prophets, which he studied systematically. Throughout his life he devoted himself to the struggle for the cultivation of virginity. But the moment when he felt that his life became meaningful and his soul rested was when he encountered the Prophecy as a reality before him. And as if all this was not enough, he deserved greater grace than this Simeon! – He heard the exhortation from the Saviour to follow him. As a vessel of election, which he thought was preparing himself for this blessed ministry, he eagerly responded to the invitation. And it is remarkable that immediately, without Christ asking him, he began the mission by revealing himself to his friend Nathanael: “Which Moses wrote in the law and the prophets, we have found, Joshua the son of Joseph of Nazareth.” In fact, to Nathanael’s ironic response, “From Nazareth may he know what is good?”, Philip continues the effort with zeal, enthusiasm and of course experience of knowing God, replying, “Come and see”. Following Jesus’ exhortation “Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations”, Philip headed for Asia with Nathanael and his sister Mariamne as his companions and helpers in the work of spreading the Gospel. They preached in Lydia and Mysia, where they suffered dozens of tortures. They were beaten, scourged, imprisoned and stoned. Finally, in Hierapolis, where the apostle of Christ arrived and preached, he was arrested by the Greeks and dragged into the city square. Patiently enduring his terrible martyrdom and praying, he gave his pure soul to her Bridegroom, to whom it belonged.
The Apostle Philip as a model missionary
The Saint taught us through his life that preparation for the great work of Christ’s witness to the nations is done by studying the Word of God. On this truth St. Chrysostom emphasizes: “the more one seeks to know these things, the more one can and does behold the treasure hidden in them.” And this treasure is shared and given to others. Simple, yet so overwhelming, is Philip’s dialogue with Christ! What did Christ say? “Follow me.” And Philip followed. His soul followed his Bridegroom, a soul that sought the Messiah, that sought the Savior in the Law and the prophets, and found him. We today seek happiness in matter, life in sin, light immersed in darkness. We seek joy, righteousness and purity in filth, in debauchery, in death. The Church resists the world’s tendency to indulge in sin by preaching happiness, life, the light of Christ to the nations.
The zeal of Philip – with the missionary initiative he dared to take by revealing Christ to Nathanael – and his perseverance that finally defeated his friend’s inhibitions are impressive and worthy of emulation. His shining example teaches all those who want to be disciples of Christ to love mission, to continue, to persevere to the end in the good fight of spreading the truth of Christ “wherever they go” and to cry out to the nations by their works bathed in the grace of God , “Come and see”.