Apostle to the Gentiles Paul: My Autobiography

As Saul, “I was born in Tarsus of Cilicia (Prax. vv. 3). I was circumcised as an eight-day-old infant, an Israelite of the tribe of Benjamin. I was born a Jew, as to the explanation of the law, I belonged to the Pharisees (Phil. c., 5-6). Surely you have heard of my conduct. As long as I belonged to the Jewish religion, I passionately persecuted the Church of Christ, and sought to destroy it. I advanced in Judaism more than many of my countrymen of the same age, because I was more zealous for my ancestral traditions (Gal. 1:13-14). I even welcomed the death of Stephen (Prax. g.,60). I was destroying the Church, entering houses by force, dragging out men and women and throwing them into prison (Prax. 8:3). Indeed, having threatening and murderous intentions towards the disciples of the Lord, I went to the high priest and asked him for letters of recommendation for the synagogues in Damascus. I wanted to bring bound to Jerusalem, whomever I could find there following the way of the Lord, both men and women. On the way and as I was approaching Damascus, I was suddenly illuminated by a flash of lightning from heaven.
I fell to the earth and heard a voice saying to me: – Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?
– Who are you, Lord? Now, as Paul, “from Him I have received the grace and mission to lead all nations to faith and acceptance of the Gospel, so that the name of Christ may be glorified (Rom 1:5). To me, the most insignificant of all Christians, God has given this grace, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ (Eph c:8)”.


I made four missionary tours covering thousands of kilometres, passing through cities such as Thessaloniki, Veroia, Athens, Corinth, Antioch and others. I faced threats and hardships, “I was beaten with unimaginable ferocity, I was imprisoned many times, I was in danger of being killed many times. Five times I was scourged by Jews with thirty-nine lashes. Three times I was punished with stripes, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, one day and night I was shipwrecked in the sea. I made many arduous journeys, I crossed dangerous rivers, I was in danger from bandits, I was in danger from my fellow Jews, I was in danger from the Gentiles. I passed dangers in cities, dangers in deserts, dangers in the sea, dangers from men who pretended to be brethren. I labored and toiled much, I lay awake many times, I was hungry, I was thirsty, many times I completely lacked food, I was freezing and had no clothes to wear. Besides the rest, I had the daily pressure of my enemies and the care of all the churches (2 Cor. kj, 23-28), taking up collections (1 Cor. lv, 1) and carrying aid to the believers (Rom. oj, 25). I was free, without dependence on anyone, and yet I made myself the slave of all to gain as many as possible. Among the Jews I behaved as a Jew, that I might win them to Christ. Similarly, when I was with those who ignored the Mosaic Law, in order to win them, I also lived as a stranger to the Law, but this does not mean that I am not obeying God’s Law, since I am bound by the Law of Christ. With those of weak faith, I became the same, in order to win the weak in faith. To all, I became all things, so that by all means I might save some (1 Cor. i. 19-22). Here is my exhortation: Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ (1 Cor. kj,1)”. And when the time came for me to leave this world I was able to proclaim with certainty: “It is now time for me to shed my blood as a libation to God. I have fought the good fight, I have run the road to the end, I have kept the faith. Now now the crown of righteousness awaits me, with which the Lord will reward me on that day, the righteous Judge. And not only for me, but for all those who are waiting in love for His coming (2 Tim. d, 6-8).”
