Saint Constantine the Apostle

With this text we are launching today a new thematic section on our website, with the aim of getting to know and honouring the more than 150 saints in the synaxis of our Church, who lived and acted as missionaries, illuminating the world with the light of Christ. We begin with the great saint we celebrate today, the godly king and apostle Constantine the Great.

Constantine the Great, according to the Synaxarist of St. Nicodemus, was the son of Constantine the Pale and St. Helen. He was born in 274 AD in the city of Naisso (now Nis, Serbia). His father was a councillor of Diocletian, Maximianus of Herculaneum and Maximianus of Valerius. While the three councilors instigated great persecution against the Christians, Constantius treated them with meekness and sympathy. Constantine inherited his father’s spirit and position. With the help of the Cross of Christ, as his apolyticus proclaims, “Thy Cross, the type of thy Cross in heaven, and as Paul the call, not of men,” he accepted the call of God and defeated in successive battles the other contractors, making himself the chosen vessel of God and monarch of the empire. He built, according to the divine will, as St. Nicodemus mentions, the “God-fearing city”, Constantinople, and created numerous institutions for his poor and suffering subjects. He was interested in the reconstruction of Orthodox churches and carried out the mission to find the Holy Cross he so revered. Moreover, in a spirit of love, peace and truth of doctrine, he tried to solve the problem of the heresy of Arianism by convening the First Ecumenical Council of Nicea (325 AD). He thus made a decisive contribution so that the empire was led steadily towards Christianity, doing a work equal to the apostles for the Church and great for history.

Constantine the Great (mosaic)
Constantine the Great. Detail of a mosaic from the south-western entrance of Agia-Sofia


Missionary Model

Saint Constantine was given the title of Apostle by the Church, because he followed – in the footsteps of the Apostles – a missionary course, aiming at the spread and prevalence of the Gospel “in all creation”. Constantine was a model missionary, since he acted missionary in various ways.

  • Edict of Mediolan (313 AD). A move that reveals his true Christian principles. He obeyed the Lord’s words of tolerance, “whosoever will come after me…” – remaining faithful to the Gospel, though he might well have imposed Christianity on the citizens of the state. Mission free.
  • He was a model of humility and self-denial, self-knowledge and self-sufficiency, since he did not share the view of previous emperors that they were gods. He does not seek god honor, but is content to be considered a representative of God. Mission with a spirit of humility and self-denial.
  • His charitable ministry was magnificent. He built hospitals, schools, orphanages and much more, with the aim of relieving the poor and destitute throughout the empire. Mission to all.
  • He fought for the predominance of Orthodoxy over the Arian heresy in a noble and unifying way. Mission based on Orthodoxy and the unity of the Church.

But behind every great man there is a great woman, behind every great saint there is a great saint… Mothers,

  • become Emelies, offer Kings,
  • Become a flower girl, give away goldfish,
  • become Godfathers, raise Gregorians,
  • become Monicans, nurture Augustinians,
  • Become Helena, raise Constantine.

Christ is risen!
