
Need for wells in Malawi

Malawi is ranked among the poorest and least developed nations in the world. It is one of Africa’s most populous countries and faces many challenges, including huge debts, deep poverty, poor education, environmental problems, and the fast-growing HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The diseases caused by contaminated water are many. Cholera, malaria and typhoid fever are common throughout the country. These conditions have been exacerbated by the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS, which has affected 15% of the rural population and 30% of the urban population. With such a number of carriers, Malawi is the country most plagued by the AIDS virus.

The Orthodox Foreign Missionary Brotherhood, with the Grace of God and the help of socially sensitive citizens from all over Greece, has managed to open six drinking water wells in various regions of the country. Six more wells are currently under construction and we plan to have them ready by next October. But the drinking water problem is huge and therefore more wells need to be drilled immediately. Each borehole costs around €3,000.

Need for wells in Malawi
