Another container left for Sierra Leone
By God’s grace and your unconditional support, the Orthodox Foreign Missionary Fraternity has sent another container of humanitarian aid to the plague-ridden country of Sierra Leone. This is the 2nd container we are sending to that country this year, with four others sent so far
The container was filled to overflowing with all that your love had offered in particular:
- 500 kg of sugar
- 2 tonnes of flour
- 9.150 kg of rice
- 300 kg of tomato paste
- 740 kg of sunflower oil
- 2 tonnes of salt
In addition to food, other items were sent, such as:
- 233 boxes of clothes, shoes and miscellaneous clothing
- 20 crates of ecclesiastical items
- 37 boxes of toys
- 159 boxes of furniture and household equipment
- 10 HP desktop computers, properly packaged, offered by EGNATIA S.A., which are intended for the work of the newly established Freetown Orthodox Academy
The loading of the container was done by volunteers of our Brotherhood’s Warehouse on Sunday 10 July. It began after the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy and was completed at 3 pm. The loading was followed by a prayer of thanksgiving to our Lord, who once again merited us to help in His work. We begged Him that our load of love would arrive safely and relieve the lack of our brothers and sisters in Sierra Leone. Immediately afterwards, a small meal followed for all the volunteers who helped with the loading. After this mission, the Mission Depot was closed for the summer months of July and August. Beginning in September, God willing, we will again be ready to receive your offerings. After all, our humanitarian work relies entirely on you, who support it both with in-kind and monetary donations (marked container) without which sending the items would be impossible.