Award of medals by the Patriarch of Alexandria to members of the Brotherhood
On Sunday 8/11/2009 in the hall of the Brotherhood took place the ceremony of awarding honorary medals, the Holy Cross of the Apostle and Evangelist Mark and diplomas of the H.T.M. of the Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Mr. Theodoros II, to two elected members of our Brotherhood, the treasurer Mr. Konstantinos Daoudakis, founding member of the Brotherhood, and the vice-president Mr. Nostis Psarras. The medals were handed over, as the representative of the Patriarch, by the Ven. Metropolitan Demetrios of Irinople (Tanzania) as the Patriarch’s representative. Mac. Patriarch, appreciating his many years of selfless service and ministry to the Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa and to the missions of African countries, expressed the feelings of justice and love of his heart with this act. Both of them worked for many years for the Foreign Mission through positions of responsibility of the Brotherhood as members of the Board of Directors and gave their lives completely. Mr. Konstantinos Daoudakis is one of the oldest and most respected members of the Brotherhood, having been a founding member in 1963 and served alternately in various capacities as president, treasurer, general secretary and member of the boards of directors. He has closely followed the course and development of the Mission in Africa since its birth and is familiar with its problems. The whole ministry of Mr. Nostis Psarras is also impressive. For all the members of our Fraternity, the distinctions are an honour and a blessing. We express our infinite thanks to His Holiness Pope and Patriarch Theodore II, as well as to His Eminence, Mons. Metropolitan Demetrios of Irinople for the honor of giving us the opportunity to learn the latest missionary news in Tanzania.