My blessed journey to Iringa
After a 10-hour journey from the capital through the jungle and after seeing various wild animals, we arrived at Kindamali, the Mission Centre…
After a 10-hour journey from the capital through the jungle and after seeing various wild animals, we arrived at Kindamali, the Mission Centre…
The members of the Orthodox Christian Mission, who travel to African countries mainly, should know some basic things about malaria, which is endemic and plagues these countries, in order to take some protective measures.
It is admirable that only the Orthodox Mission was able to be of help, to stand by these children and these unfortunate people. By giving a little something to these happy little faces we are filled with the joy of giving…
With God’s help I was again able to travel to Tanzania for a few days to complete and place the icons in 4 Holy Temples. During my short stay there, many remarkable incidents occurred, two of which I think are worth describing. On the day of the Holy Cross, we planned a Divine Liturgy in
By Nikos Aslanidis, journalist of the ET3 programme “True Scenarios” I often heard about Sierra Leone in the news. It was the time of the civil war and all you heard from that country was gruesome news. Sierra Leone, although it has diamond mines, is unfortunately one of the most poorest countries on the planet,
Anyone who visits one of our missionary teams in Africa and Asia is struck by two situations: In the very first days of their stay there, they notice the intense rhythm of missionary and charitable activities with a parallel rapid increase in the number of Orthodox new believers. Baptisms take place frequently in all countries
The Faculty of Theology of the Orthodox University of Congo is located in the community of Mont-Ngafula in the capital of the country, Kinshasa. As its construction continues, it attracts a number of workers, many of whom are Orthodox and live with their families in the surrounding area. Thus their children have the opportunity to
The truth is that I had no special relationship with missions. Like everyone else, I saw pictures of the children from Africa and felt a punch in the stomach… Three years ago the president of the Orthodox Foreign Mission, Mr. Vaios Prantzos, invited us to join him in Cameroon and I accepted immediately. So together
During my last short visit to the missionary teams in Tanzania, I was very concerned about the gap in living standards between you, the comfortable people of the so-called Western world, and our brothers and sisters in these poor parts of our planet. For this reason, instead of giving a sterile description of my stay
In the northwest of Tanzania, not far from the Ugandan border and next to Lake Victoria, lies a peaceful, green, African town, Bukoba. Its inhabitants, supported mainly by the area’s rich banana crops and small fish in the lake, are particularly friendly to foreigners, which is partly explained by the long-standing presence of several missionaries