Fr. Theologos Chrysantakopoulos

Congo Brazzaville

Appeal for the Congo mission

The mission to the Pygmies has grown in recent years. Our Brotherhood has from the very beginning been instrumental in evangelizing the remote jungle of the Ubangi River, a tributary of the Congo. Unfortunately, due to financial difficulties, the sustainability of this effort is becoming questionable. Your support is essential for the continuation of the

Congo: In our most distant parish

The calm waters of the Oubangui have again received the blessing of the Holy Spirit that often makes the rivers of Africa look like the Jordan. The Ecuadorian sun gives its glow to the river, increasing the heat, permanent in the Impfondo. Seated at the roots (literally) of a huge tree, some thirty or so

The first Orthodox Pygmies

From the window of the Boeing 737 I could see the Ecuadorian jungle in its humidity like a green endless sea. I thought of the beautiful creations of God, horses and horses, that live there. After an hour and fifteen minutes of flight we descended almost touching the tops of the towering trees, when suddenly

Mission in the embrace of the Congo jungle

From the capital Brazzaville we departed by plane on the 27th of November. After an hour and ten minute flight over the vast Congolese jungle, we landed at the modern airport of Impfondo, next to the big river. I enjoyed our small parish at Mass the next day and the endless questions the faithful ask

Orthodoxy in Congo (Brazzaville)

For six years I have been ministering in Congo (Brazzaville) at the invitation and with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatius of Central Africa. There, at the end of the 1980s, three parishes had been established in as many cities, when the country was ecclesiastically dependent on the Metropolis of Cameroon. Without any building

We support Fr. Theologos

To the President and the members of the Board of Directors of the Orthodox Foreign Missionary Brotherhood Dear All, I wish you the New Year to be spiritually and missionary fruitful and to sanctify yourselves by experiencing the will of God. My joy in communicating with you is the same as the joy I feel

News from Congo

Dearly beloved, Christ is risen! I wish that the joy of the Resurrection may govern the Brotherhood and fill your hearts always. And my own heart rejoices with you, especially at our last meeting when you announced to me the new composition of your council which includes my old friends and worthy collaborators. I would

The Mission bases in Congo (Brazzaville)

The discipleship of the Gentiles, that is, the spreading of the Gospel of the Lord and baptism in the name of the Virgin Mary and the Triune Trinity, is the basic task of all of us according to the last words of the Lord (Matt.28.19); this is how the Church of God, our Orthodox Church

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries