Saint James the Confessor and his missionary teaching

Saint James the Brother, according to Saint Nicodemus, was ordained by the Lord himself as the first bishop of Jerusalem. He wrote the Divine Liturgy taught by Jesus himself, which made it an integral part of the Apostolic ministry as well as of ecclesiastical history, revealing its divine origin. The writing of the Divine Liturgy…

Saint Aquila – Martyrdom: the best way of Orthodox Witnessing

This cowardly, cowardly, cowardly man, who bent before the yatagani of the Pasha, the traitor of his faith, offered the Church a missionary model, not only for the inhabitants of Zagliveri and the neighbouring villages or the people of that time, but for all of us, the people of the following centuries.

Saint Mary Magdalene and the role of women in missionary ministry

Saint Mary came from Magdala in Syria, which is why she is called Magdalene. Her encounter with Jesus was accompanied by her miraculous healing, her deliverance from the seven demons that tormented her. She joined the circle of Christ’s disciples and served Him with zeal and self-denial throughout His saving work, even up to His…