Constantinos Metallidis

Apostle Timothy: Mission and idolatry

The apostle Timothy came from the town of Lystra in Lycaonia. He had a Greek father, a pagan by religion, and his mother Eunice was a Christianized Judean. At an early age Timothy was orphaned by his father and was raised by his grandmother Lois, providing him not only with material goods but mainly with

Saint Frumentios, the missionary of Ethiopia

God’s plan for the salvation of the people of Ethiopia is clearly revealed. From here on, the missionary initiatives of St. Fromentius begin. He gathers the few Christians in the country and establishes the first Church…

Saint James the Confessor and his missionary teaching

Saint James the Brother, according to Saint Nicodemus, was ordained by the Lord himself as the first bishop of Jerusalem. He wrote the Divine Liturgy taught by Jesus himself, which made it an integral part of the Apostolic ministry as well as of ecclesiastical history, revealing its divine origin. The writing of the Divine Liturgy

Saint Aquila – Martyrdom: the best way of Orthodox Witnessing

This cowardly, cowardly, cowardly man, who bent before the yatagani of the Pasha, the traitor of his faith, offered the Church a missionary model, not only for the inhabitants of Zagliveri and the neighbouring villages or the people of that time, but for all of us, the people of the following centuries.

Saint Hosios, Bishop of Cordova

If the mission is the spreading of Orthodoxy to nations of other religions or heterodoxy, the institution of the Ecumenical Councils is the preservation of Orthodoxy. It makes it unadulterated, genuine and unchangeable, with the aim of spreading it throughout the world…

Saint Mary Magdalene and the role of women in missionary ministry

Saint Mary came from Magdala in Syria, which is why she is called Magdalene. Her encounter with Jesus was accompanied by her miraculous healing, her deliverance from the seven demons that tormented her. She joined the circle of Christ’s disciples and served Him with zeal and self-denial throughout His saving work, even up to His

The weaknesses of missionary workers

Saint Peter was the brother of Saint Andrew the Proto-Cretan. He came from the poor, humble town of Bethsaida and his father was Jonah of the tribe of the patriarch Simeon, according to the synaxis of St. Nicodemus. He lived poorly, practicing the trade of a fisherman. He was, moreover, a devout man who loved

Agia Lydia: Mission to the family

Lydia was “baptized”, but not alone. She was led to the sacrament of baptism by her exhortations and living example, and her “household”…

Jesus Christ, the Great Missionary

The apostle Paul urges us: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” Taking the Great Missionary, our Lord Jesus Christ, as our model, we can learn great missionary lessons.

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries