Constantinos Metallidis

The Apostle Andrew and the missionary work of the Ecumenical Patriarchate until the Fall

After Jesus’ final and decisive command to his disciples, just before his ascension, which was decisive for all humanity: “Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation”, the Apostle Andrew, the first-called, was called to illuminate with the unique, indescribable and always relevant light of the Gospel Bithynia, the regions around the Black Sea, Byzantium, Thrace, Macedonia, Thessaly and the Peloponnese…

Missionary synaxary

The Evangelist Luke and the Missionary Handbook

It is true that the writing of the Acts of the Apostles that Saint Luke left as a legacy to Christians and especially to missionary people is valuable. It not only informs us historically about the spread of the Gospel which was carried out in every – God-allowable – way and at every cost by the Apostles, but it makes the “Acts of the Apostles” a model and a missionary manual for all of us who are more or less active in this ministry…

The prophet Jonah: mission and prophecy

The prophet Jonah – whose name means “dove” – is found in the Old Testament book of the same name, not as the author of the book but as its protagonist. He was the son of Amathi and lived in the first half of the 8th century, at a time when Nineveh was in its

Saints Olga and Vladimir, the Enlighteners of the Russians

Vladimir did not rest in idols, in the power murders he committed and in the obscenities he fell into with the hundreds of concubines he had, just as a man who knows the law of God does not rest in a life of sin. He was tormented, in a good sense, by the truth his grandmother taught him! On the other hand, he wanted, free spirit that he was, to examine and learn about the religions of the neighbouring countries of his empire…

Mission: The consequence of Pentecost

In this fiery way, all nationalistic and linguistic barriers were broken down and it was proclaimed that the horizon of Christian preaching was not Judea, but the whole world. The event of Pentecost reveals in a magnificent way the ecumenical character of the Church…

Saints Cyril and Methodius: The Illuminators of the Slavs

But although their work apparently failed, history has subsequently shown that the Lord blessed it, giving to His Church spiritual fruit through the disciples of Cyril and Methodius, who preached the gospel with fervent zeal wherever they were…

St Jason the model of missionary work

He who loves God and, therefore, he who keeps His commandments, apart from his time, his youth or any other good, can – if necessary – even sacrifice his own life…

Saint Innocent Veniaminov, the married missionary

In Alaska John discovered “nuggets” of Christians, baptized but abandoned for decades by the official church. Immediately, he began his missionary work by utilizing a dilapidated chapel. He rebuilt churches, established missionary services, hospitals and schools.

Saint Fotini the Samaritan: a model of missionary work

Saint Photini continued her missionary work in Cartagena, Africa, until Nero was informed of her faith. So she was taken to Italy and pressured, in various torturous ways by the emperor, to deny her faith. In every trial, however, the miraculous actions of God made her whole. Finally, after much torture, she gave her spirit to the Lord in prison to meet him again in eternity…

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries