Commemoration of the Baptism of Eunuch of Ethiopia by Deacon Philip
“What prevents us from being baptized?” cry with the Ethiopian and the nations, brothers and sisters unbaptized all over the world, where the Truth of Christ is ignored…
“What prevents us from being baptized?” cry with the Ethiopian and the nations, brothers and sisters unbaptized all over the world, where the Truth of Christ is ignored…
This is Joseph who was previously in hiding. But now after the death of Christ he showed great boldness. For he was neither insignificant, nor of those who remain unnoticed, but one of the members of the Congress and very illustrious. From this indeed his valour is clearly shown. For he condemned himself to death when he proclaimed his abhorrence of all by his sympathy for Jesus, and dared to ask for His body, and did not depart until after he had accomplished what he wanted…
“Apostolic” and “Missionary”. “Apostolic” and “Missionary”. What is the difference between these sublime concepts?
Castus and Emilio repented and were led to martyrdom. The Lord forgave them and, as St. Cyprian points out, “although they were defeated in the first battle, they were victorious in the second. Those who had previously retreated before the flames became stronger than the flames…
The bravery of the martyrs covered the cowardice of the disciples in these difficult events and for this they were honoured by the Lord; first to them the message of the Resurrection came from the angel, first to them Jesus appeared risen and they received the first command to transmit the joyful announcement of the Resurrection of Christ…
Saint Cyril was born, in all likelihood, in 313 AD in Jerusalem. From his pious and orthodox parents he received as a sacred heritage piety and correct doctrines, at a time when the heresy of Arius was actively and expansively manifesting itself in the area of faith. At the age of only twenty, and while
In 2016, your love sent more than 75 tons of long-life food, necessities such as desks and chairs, furniture, soaps, medicines, medical tools, generators, school supplies, clothes, toys and, finally, church supplies such as holy chalices, icons, priests’ uniforms, holy table covers, liturgical vessels and books…
What does slave mean? Just a name. How many masters are lying on the mattress and getting drunk, while the slaves are standing close by, awake! Who shall I call a slave? He who is sober or he who is drunk? The slave of man or the captive of passion? He has bondage outside, he walks about with captivity inside…
Saint Candock was born in Monmouthshire, Wales, in the late 5th century AD and came from a noble family. His parents, although of royal descent and economically and socially established, became monks, followed an ascetic life and are honoured by the Church as Saints. Both his mother and his spiritual father, the hermit priest Tathan, supported and guided him in his life in Christ. The Saint refused the earthly glories and titles offered to him by the world, as the child of illustrious parents, and devoted himself to spreading the Gospel to the nations, as a child of the Lord Jesus Christ…
He approached the king asking for gold and promised him that with it he would buy pearls and precious stones to offer to him and the empire. Constantine relented and granted Zoticus as much gold as he needed. Immediately, the Saint came to an understanding with the soldiers who were assigned to kill the lepers. Bribing them, he bought the sick, transported them to a region outside Byzantium, made tents for them to live in, and tried in every possible way to ease their pain…