Constantinos Metallidis

Missionary synaxary

Saint Boniface: The re-evangelization of the neo-ideological Europe

Saint Boniface served as a missionary until the end of his life. He did not become complacent in his conscience by the enormous achievement that God’s gift had accomplished. With a youthful fervor of heart, despite his 77 years, he headed towards the pagan Frisians, giving himself a handy instrument to the Word of God for the conquest of the local people…

The Ascension and the last commandment of the Risen One

Our Lord’s final exhortation to His disciples and by extension to all of us, the Mission, cannot leave us indifferent. On the contrary, it ought to swirl in our minds, shape our character, regulate our heartbeats, guide our steps and direct our lives…

Annunciation of the Virgin Mary and the Nations

Just as the Virgin Mary, having first surrendered herself to the providence of God, claimed her Annunciation – that is, she received the most joyful, the most shocking news that heaven ever whispered to earth – so we, too, need to surrender ourselves to the providence of God, to stand by His side, to ask Him to strengthen us in our ministry and to support us in our efforts to achieve the Annunciation of the Gentiles…

Missionary synaxary

The Bishop of Gaza Saint Porphyry the Missionary

Porphyrios, born and bred in Thessaloniki, came into the world in 347 AD. His noble and wealthy parents certainly made sure that their first-born offspring received a remarkable education. Obedient to the heavenly calling, the lad, at the age of twenty-five, abandoned his comfortable life and worldly career, departing for the desert of Egypt, the

Christ is born, Africa!

Man was created free… he has the ability to accept or reject. But every soul, without exception, finds rest in the presence of its Creator. When it meets Him, it lives a Christmas within! It celebrates Christmas and each time it renews this unique encounter…

Apostle Matthew: Missionary lesson from Jesus

The tax collector’s was a profession full of shamelessness and insolence, with no rational justification for all that they did, and it was a trade full of insolence as well as theft covered by the law on the outside. Yet He who called him felt no shame for any of this…

Missionary synaxary

The Apostle Thecla and the missionary spirit of Christians

In Thecla’s heart the desire for knowledge together with the divine experiences became a powerful flame that ignited her whole being. Thus, she did not hesitate to be by Paul’s side, even in the most dangerous circumstances…

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries