Fr. John Kibuuka

Diocese of Kampala

A thank you is not enough

In the same year, 1997, the new Bishop of Kampala and All Uganda, Mr. Jonah, appointed me parish priest of the historic parish of Transfiguration in the village of Degeya. Historic parish because this was the first parish of the native Africans of the Orthodox Church…

Diocese of Kampala

Happy visits to Uganda

Recently, we were visited by the Bishop of Kition, Chrysostomos, along with a large number of volunteer doctors and nurses, who offered their medical services for a week…

A miracle in Uganda

We had a long time without rain and there was a lot of concern in the people and in the government about a big drought. The Ministry of Interior had issued a notice that people should be very careful because we would not have rain for a long time to come.

News from the mission of Bobo

Bobo, 12/6/09 With this letter, I wish to inform you of the projects which the Brotherhood has financed in the Holy Metropolis of Kampala and All Uganda – Bombo chapter. 1. I am referring to the primary school in the parish of St. John -Gavu-Kibirizi. This school was finished last year and one hundred and

Diary of a Missionary

Dear members of the Brotherhood, dearfriends and colleagues, Rejoice in the Lord always! Through this letter I wish to inform you about my missionary tours in the LUWERO region since the beginning of the year and the situation I found in each parish and in each Orthodox community. Wherever I went, I did Mass, preaching

The progress of the works in Bobo

10/11/2009 Σεβαστέ μου κ. Πρόεδρε μέλη και φίλοι της Αδελφότητας Ορθοδόξου Εξωτερικής Ιεραποστο­λής Θεσσαλονίκης Ένα μεγάλο «ευχαριστώ» στον πανάγαθο Θεό γιατί και φέτος ελάβαμε πλούσια δώρα, αγάπη, φροντίδα, προσευχές και οικονομική ενίσχυση από την Αδελφότητα σας. Θυμάμαι πολύ χαρακτηριστικά που μια μέρα δεν είχαμε τίποτα να φάμε και κτύ­πησε το τηλέφωνο για να μας ενημε­ρώστε

Update from Fr. John Kiboukas

Bobo, 11/8/09 By this letter I wish to inform you of the situation we are in. But first I would like to thank you for κ. Katerina Alexandrou , who came and stayed with us for twelve days. Also thank you for sisters Konstantina and Ourania Tzimoulis from Kastoria. All three gave us great courage

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries