Fr. Ermolaos Iatrou

Diocese of Arusha

Land for the Mission

My dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. We are writing to you from the Dodoma Orthodox Mission in Tanzania. With the blessing of

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Inauguration and ordination in Malawi

Dear friends of the Mission, We are writing these lines to share with you the joyful events in Malawi. We all know how important it

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

After Crucifixion, Come God’s Blessings

Fr. George is a native priest with plenty of pure, selfless love inside him. In a very short time his congregation has grown large enough to fill the church, and there are still new people coming to embrace Orthodoxy…

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

The sick woman who was healed

While the taxi was passing outside the Church of Sts. Athanasius and Cyril though, the woman heard the same voice say the same words: «If you want to be saved, go inside this church and do not go to hospital.» Once this happened, the woman lost her senses and collapsed…

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

The responsibilities and duties of the priests of the Orthodox Church

A great and true missionary is not the one who communicates the faith with words, but the one who lives it. He who prays with tears before the icon of Christ and the Virgin Mary, that God may enlighten all people to return to the Mother Church. The Orthodox Church is a great embrace. It embraces and expects everyone to move forward and respond to the call that Christ himself makes to them: “come and see!”

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Soup for life

The person in charge of this ministry, Fr. Kallinikos, often tells us that we need to increase the quantity and quality of food so that the children can withstand the hardships and the difficult environment in which they live. We look at him with embarrassment and sadness. Everything requires sacrifice. The poverty that surrounds us hinders us. We do what we can, but we know it’s not enough…

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Thanks from Blantyre

The money that you offer us, brothers, to be used for our mission, is used to provide daily meals for 300 children in our parishes, help to poor or sick families, visits to prisons to support prisoners, school fees for some cases of poor students…

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Love will never cease to exist

The corn, which is the staple food of the Malawians, is planted from November onwards and waits for the rains to grow. But this year, its success is very doubtful. The richest have reasonable suspicions that they will become poor and the poor will starve to death!

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

Resurrection joy and daily difficulties

This year’s Easter came immediately after the devastating passage of a huge natural disaster that hit the country and left its mark on too many homes. The dead were many. The homeless many more and the demolished homes countless.

Diocese of Zambia & Malawi

A new refuge for souls in Malawi

Let us all rejoice in the pure joy of the parishioners in the newly established parish of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Malawi,

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries