Bishop Nikiforos of Kinshasa

Congo (DRC)

Our agony

With God’s help, the missionary effort of the Metropolis of Kinshasa continues. It continues with hardships, joys, sorrows and agonies. Living in the heart of Africa you feel the pain of the people, their anguish, their complaint. You see so many people, children, young and old, who have not known the true God, who have

Congo (DRC)

New beggining in Bandudu

About two years ago, Emmanuel Diwulu, a graduate of our “St. Athanasius the Athonite” Theological School, wanted to go to the funeral of a relative of his who had passed away in the city of Bandundu. Emmanuel received the permission and blessing of His Eminence to attend the funeral. It is customary here for the

Congo (DRC)

Our Little Hospital

Dear Mission friends, Οἱ ἐργασίες στὸ μικρὸ Νοσοκομεῖο μας λόγω τῆς ἐλλείψεως χρημάτων σταμάτησαν. Δὲν πρόλαβε νὰ λειτουργήσει, ἐκτὸς ἀπὸ τὴν περίοδο ποὺ εἶχε ἔρθει ἡ ὁμάδα γιατρῶν ἀπὸ τὴν Ἑλλάδα. Πολλοὶ πτωχοὶ ἰθαγενεῖς ἐξετάσθησαν καὶ πῆραν φάρμακα καὶ ἔγιναν καλά. Γέμιζε ὁ δρόμος ἔξω ἀπὸ τὸ κτήριο περιμένοντας τὴν σειρά τους γιὰ νὰ τοὺς

Issue #29 - September 2019

Fr. Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos’ Contribution to the Mission of Africa

The contribution of Fr. Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos to the missionary effort of our Patriarchate is very important indeed. Unfortunately, a number of circles have tried, deliberately or not, to reduce, underrate, or cover the work of the heroic missionary figure Archim. Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos, and disregard the contribution of Archim. Nicodemus Sarikas. Both of them ministered under

Congo (DRC)

Doctors from Greece to Congo

In the morning you see a child playing joyfully with other children, and in the evening you find out that the same child has died of a high fever. Many times poor indigenous people have no money to go to the doctor or buy the medication required to save their children, and they end up

Congo (DRC)

Traveling in the jungle

Dear Mission friends, I hope that we all spend the Great Lent in pursuit of the purification of our soul by bringing our Christ closer to us. Lately I have been facing a big problem. The cars owned by the Metropolis are very old and are constantly breaking down. They have repeatedly failed us on

Congo (DRC)

Shipments of love for Kinshasa

The Mission is a constant course towards the Kingdom of God. A liberating bugle call to the humankind that is tormented by heresies, pagan traditions, subordination of men to the ruler of this century, the devil. In this struggle, there are times that you feel the earth move under your feet and yourself sink, you

Congo (DRC)

The School in the Forest Should not Close Down

The children did not have to walk long distances every day. The smile on the faces of the children, particularly those who could not go to school before, flashed. Cheerful voices were heard now, for now they had a school…

Congo (DRC)

Let us not forget

We should not forget the medical clinic you funded in the Shamana area, the heart of the Congolese jungle, which may be a caring nest for our brothers who live isolated there, but naturally, it has its own operating expenses…

Congo (DRC)

Missionary agonies

The tours in the countryside have continued, despite the many new difficulties we have. Mbuji-Mayi, Kabinda, Nkanka, Mbaza-Ngungu, Kikwit. The pastoral tours in the interior of Congo helped us to follow closely the efforts of our priests and catechists, the possibilities and problems of our mission, to rejoice and pray with our faithful and to ask God to send workers of His Gospel…

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries