Μητροπολίτης Άκκρας Δανιήλ

Diocese of Accra

All for the glory of Christ

“O depth of riches and wisdom and knowledge of God, as his judgments are unsearchable and his ways unfathomable,” writes Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles to the Church of Rome (Romans 11:33) and by extension to Christians throughout the ages. For the “great mystery” of the salvation of human souls, which the love, mercy

Diocese of Accra

The oldest Church in West Africa

Co-workers “throughout Macedonia” (Paul’s A’ epistle to Thess. 4,10), elected members of the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity of Thessaloniki, rejoice in the Risen Lord! “The Orthodox Church that is at Ghana, elected together with you, saluteth you”, (A’ Peter. 5,13). By the Grace of the Holy Spirit, the blessings of His Beatitude Theodore II Pope and

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries