Bishop Damaskinos, previously of Accra

Update from the Ghana Mission

Bythe grace of the Son of God who has nourished us and the blessings of His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa, we continue our missionary work in the country of Ghana and in other countries of West Africa, where the jurisdiction of the Holy Metropolis of Accra extends. We

Church inauguration in Ivory Coast

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, With this letter I wish to inform you that on Sunday 13th September we celebrated the inauguration of the Holy Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the city of Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Exactly one year after we laid the foundation stone ( 11 September 2008 ) . For

The progress of the works in the Metropolis of Accra

Dear brothers in Christ, through this letter I wish to thank you again for the recent financial support of 15.000€, which you recently deposited in the Greek bank account of the Holy Diocese of Ghana, for the continuation of the construction works. I am sending you a receipt for the same amount. I would also

The works are progressing

Dear President, Mr. Pranzo, dear brothers in Christ, members of the Board of Directors of the Orthodox Foreign Missionary Brotherhood, Christ is Risen! Through this letter I am again contacting you to inform you of the progress of the projects which the Brotherhood is erecting in our Province. A few days ago I received, both

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries