August 2, 2018

Congo Brazzaville

And, lo, I am with you always…

The Pygmies are noble people. Although they used to systematically avoid contact with other tribes, particularly with the white race since they had suffered from them during the years of colonialism, they are sociable people with values, principles and secrets of their tribe which they preserve vigorously, consciously refusing to abandon their ancestral homes and embrace the modern «western» way of life…


Patriarchal Visit to Cameroon

Thanksgiving to the Triune God, cordial fulfillment of his eucharistic desire to meet with old associates and friends and also to be found- even for a while- amidst the flock which the Lord of the Vineyard entrusted to him for the first time in the sub-Saharan Africa twenty years ago…

Diocese of Mexico

A new church in Guatemala

The moments we all experienced could hardly be described. The faithful Mayans actively participated in chanting and singing “Lord have mercy”, “Grant us, O Lord”, “Amen” and “Christ is Risen”. The foundations of the church were shaken by the dynamic expression of their Orthodox faith…

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