Who can ignore a child who is hungry? Who can pass by an old beggar? Who can forget the sight of a man looking for food in the garbage?

I hurried up and here's something to eat
I hurried up and here’s something to eat

In many mission countries, questions like the above are a daily certainty. Not only do people have no food, but there are cases where there is not even the possibility of farming or fishing. Nevertheless, people have been living in such areas for centuries. With meager means they try to satisfy their hunger, and are content when they have a plate of flour or rice a day. Touring these areas, Orthodox missionaries, Greek or native, imitate the example of our Lord. Along with the soul of the people, they do not fail to take care of their bodies. They organize soup kitchens or distribute food for our fellow human beings of every race, religion and age. They offer a plate of clean healthy food or a quantity of food for the needs of the week. We know that now the need for soup kitchens is great in our country as well. But comparisons are really unnecessary when in the Congo or Burundi the majority of the population lives on less than 50 euros a month. Please help us in this difficult effort to support the poorest of the poor.

Our surplus is a necessity for these people. Our small donation brings a smile to many faces. Our own abundance has immeasurable value in the eyes of God.

Want to help the food program?

Sign up as a supporter now and pay the amount of your choice each month. 100% of this money will be used to provide food through the Mission’s programs. Simply fill out the form below.