There are countries where houses have no taps, rivers are far away and water is scarce.

Countries where people are infected every day and die because they have no access to clean water.

Countries where women and children walk up to five kilometres every day to reach the nearest spring and bring water to their families.

Countries where people’s dream is encapsulated in a single word: “well”.

In such countries our missionaries live and work. That is why, with your loving help, our Brotherhood is funding drilling and well construction projects to provide, to as many people as possible, the gift of life: drinking water.

The economic cost of drilling a well ranges from €3,500 to €5,000, depending on the country, the depth of the well, the climatic conditions and the amount of pumping.

In areas of severe drought, where drilling is ineffective, our missionaries choose to build reservoirs, supplied with clean water transported from other areas by water truck.

Around the world, nearly 10,000 people are dying every day because of contaminated water. You too, pour a dewdrop of love that will cool their thirst. Finance the construction of a well or reservoir today.

What can you do?

You can make a donation for the construction of a well.

Or you can finance an entire well or reservoir construction project, depending on their availability. Simply fill out the form below and we will contact you.